Organic wine producers - Wines from Alsace

Our winery

Organic agriculture

Our family state, managed by Raphaël (4th generation of the winery), has 11 hectars, it’s located in Saint-Hippolyte. We have a privileged geographical situation, with 7 different terroirs. In our winery you will be able to taste wines with a unique personality and flavour. We invite you all to discover our production and history!

Producteurs de vin bio alsace, saint Hippolyte cave

The conversion to organic wine started in 2018, after more than 15 years of working with the principles of organic viticulture. This change was made by Raphaël due to a personal motivation. At that moment, we didn’t use any chemical products to take out the herbs, we already worked with seedlings in our rows and all the products we used were already organic.

Today, having the label organic is not the end but only one step ahead of this project.

Our aim is to stop labouring our soils and only to work with rolling or mowing. To be clear, instead of treating and deleting all kinds of mushrooms and bacteries (that are mostly positive for the vine), we wish to cultivate them with the help of natural compost tea. In this way, these bacteries will envelope the environment and they won’t allow the « bad » mushrooms to develop.


Our project continues with the development of the ecosystem that surrounds our parcels. If in our parcels we develop a nice flora and fauna, we can only hope that the nature will be more balanced and, by this means, the vine won’t be affected by other insects. This principle, called agroforestry, we have been using it since 2019 when we planted fruit trees, roses and other plants all along hectars. Every year, more plants and trees are planted.

The history of the winery

The beginning

The first generation of winegrowers began with Joseph Fahrer. He was one of the first habitants of Saint-Hippolyte to bottle his wine with selling purposes. He began with a small production of 600 bottles by putting up a simple sign “wine for sale” in front of the house.

Armand, second generation of winegrowers (son of Joseph and his wife Jeanette) dedicated to the development of the estate. In 1954, he decided to stop cultivation and breeding and concentrate exclusively on making AOC Alsace wines.

Helped by his wife Liliane and taking advantage of the 60s, 70s and 80s rise of tourism, sales and consumption of wine, the couple created a storage cellar, a wine cellar and a sales area.

After Armand’s death in 1992, Liliane (his wife) and Sylvie (daughter) took the lead of the winery. They had to resolve to stop selling bottled wine for a few years in order to preserve the family’s land heritage.

New generations

Some years later, Sylvie was joined by her companion Yvan. Together they have developed 5 guest rooms directly in the winery.

Sylvie was joined by her son Raphaël, representing the fourth generation. Today he works towards the development of AOC Alsace wines. Taking his family heritage very seriously as well as his role as an independent winegrower. He works his vineyard with the greatest respect for the vine and the terroir.

Raphaël takes the helm of the family business, thus activating the 4th generation of Fahrer wines.




Nobles grape varieties


Different soils

24 Route du Vin, 68590 SAINT-HIPPOLYTE
+33 (0)3 89 73 00 40 /

Opening hours

9:00-12:00 / 13:30-18:00
From Monday to Saturday

Alcohol abuse is bad for your health, please consume in moderation

Agriculture Biologique en Alsace